your baddie teddie since 1983.

Author: Eddie (Page 1 of 5)

How to register your drones in Singapore

All drone or unmanned aircraft (UA) that are more than 250g of weight will required to be registered before you can legally operate them. This law will take effect from 2 April 2020, as mandated by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) in their press release.

If you are thinking that is why the the DJI Mavic Mini was designed to weight exactly 1g below this require at 249g, you’ve guessed right. This is also the main selling point of the Mavic Mini. Many countries like the US, Canada and the UK has the same requirement that requires you to register any drone 250 and above before you are allowed to fly them. DJI Spark is 300g, so you WILL need to register if you have one. I’m currently on a DJI Mavic Pro.

Fortunately, the steps to sign up is pretty straight forward. Here are some requirements:

  • You need to be at least 16 years old at registration. If you are below 16, you need to have the UA be registered by someone eligible, and have obtained their permission to operate it. (this is impt – see next point)
  • All activities involving the UA will be held accountable by the legal registrant of the UA. (So if you 15 year old decided to do something funny with your drone, you will be prosecuted. Not them.)

There are 3 key actions in this UA registration process.

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Applying for China Visa in Singapore

Singaporeans do not need a visa to travel to China. Unfortunately, i hold a Malaysian passport so Visa is a requirement.  The official website for the Chinese Visa Application Service Center is here.  However there is still a lot of information to digest. The center is conveniently located in CBD. Upon arriving at the lobby, you will see signs that leads you the center.

  • Address: 80 Robinson Road, #16-01/02/02A, Singapore 068898
  • Business Hours: Monday-Friday.Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
    Submission of applications: 9:00to 15:00.
  • Payment and collection: 9:00 to 16:00.

Documents required

This is based on a Malaysian as a Singapore PR applying Chinese Visa in Singapore.

  1.  Complete the online application form and print it out. You can also download the PDF application form and fill out manually.
  2. A passport sized (43mm x 33mm) photo with white background. There is a passport photo machine at the center.
  3. Confirmed flight booking ticket/itinerary
  4. Confirmed hotel/AirBnB booking
  5. Re-entry permit (REP) for PR
  6. Singapore PR NRIC. For EP/S-Pass/WP holders, your corresponding passes
  7. Colour photocopy of the first page of your passport.  There is a color photocopying service behind the reception at $1.00

If you forgot to print out a document or a booking, the reception also provides “Email to print” service at $1.00 per piece.

Processing time and fees

  1.  Regular service: The processing time is usually 4 working days. (If you apply on Tuesday, you can get it by Friday 9:00am.) – $110 Single, $135 for Double entry
  2.  Express service: The processing time is usually 3 working days. (If you apply on Tuesday, you can get it by Thursday 9:00am.) – $175 Single, $200 Double entry
  3.  Urgent service: The processing time is usually 2 working days. (Submission before 14:00, you can collect next day 9:00 – 16:00) – $220 Single, $245 Doule entry

Payment is on collection day itself. Cash, NETS and Union Pay is accepted.

How to fix “Compile error in hidden module” on Word for Mac

Getting a Compile error in hidden module: link error when you’re opening or quitting Microsoft Word on your Mac is caused by Acrobat DC, which installs an add-on that causes the error.

You will get this error both when starting, and quitting Microsoft Word, but Word will continue to work normally. Here is how to get rid of that annoying popup.

  1. Close Microsoft Word.
  2. Open the following folder:

~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Startup/Word


~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word


You can open the Library folder by holding the Alt key on your keyboard while clicking on the Go menu, and choosing Library. Alternativelyyou can launch Terminal and just go to that directory and manually remove the file.

  1. Within the Word folder, you will see the dotm file. This is the file we mentioned earlier, the one that causes the problem.
  2. Drag the file to your desktop or delete the linkCreation.dotm file
  3. Restart Microsoft Word. The error message will be now gone.

Protect yourself against Wanna Cry ransomware

Currently, there is no WannaCry decryption tool or any other solution available, so users are strongly advised to follow prevention measures in order to protect themselves.

Keep your system Up-to-date: First of all, if you are using supported, but older versions of Windows operating system, keep your system up to date, or simply upgrade your system to Windows 10.


  1.  If you are using unsupported versions of Windows, including Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003 or 2008, apply the emergency patch released by Microsoft today.
  2. Enable Firewall: Enable firewall, and if it is already there, modify your firewall configurations to block access to SMB ports over the network or the Internet. The protocol operates on TCP ports 137, 139, and 445, and over UDP ports 137 and 138.
  3. Disable SMB: Follow steps described by Microsoft to disable Server Message Block (SMB).
  4. Keep your Antivirus software up-to-date: Virus definitions have already been updated to protect against this latest threat.
  5. Backup Regularly: To always have a tight grip on all your important files and documents, keep a good backup routine in place that makes their copies to an external storage device that is not always connected to your PC.
  6. Beware of Phishing: Always be suspicious of uninvited documents sent an email and never click on links inside those documents unless verifying the source.

Setup DHCP server on Fedora or Centos

It’s quite easy to quickly setup a DHCP server on Fedora/Centos machine.

[root@xstorm ~]# dnf -y install dhcp
[root@xstorm ~]# vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
# create new
# specify domain name
option domain-name “”;
# specify DNS server’s hostname or IP address
option domain-name-servers;
# default lease time
default-lease-time 600;
# max lease time
max-lease-time 7200;
# this DHCP server to be declared valid
# specify network address and subnet mask
subnet netmask {
# specify the range of lease IP address
range dynamic-bootp;
# specify broadcast address
option broadcast-address;
# specify default gateway
option routers;

Start DHCP server and enable it on startup

[root@xstorm ~]# systemctl start dhcpd

[root@xstorm ~]# systemctl enable dhcpd

If you have Fedora firewalld running, allow DHCP service (UDP port 67)

[root@xstorm ~]# firewall-cmd –add-service=dhcp –permanent
[root@xstorm ~]# firewall-cmd –reload

Malaysia Tenancy Agreement Stamp Duty Fee Calculation

After getting your property paperwork sorted out and the daunting task of completing your renovation, investment buyers will quickly seek to collect rental from the property. Attracting and screening for a good tenant is not easy and it also boils down to luck. But i believe creating a home rather than just treating it as a rental house will increase your chances of finding a tenant that actually wants to live in it.

One of the things to note when renting out your units is to never rent your house without a tenancy agreement (TA), especially for direct (not through agents) rental to friends/family/friend of friends etc. The extra step in drafting a TA and getting it officially stamped at LHDN office forms a legalised document will save you much agony in the case of any dispute.

There is another added advantage by having a tenancy agreement. It will be a supporting document to prove that you are having additional rental income. This additional income can help you to acquire loan approval for your next property purchase.

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Setup VLAN on DD-WRT

Many of the routers on the market support third-party router firmware like DD-WRT or OpenWRT. These firmware add additional functionalities to you router if your network is more complex than a single flat network. It also allow you to tinker with many advance settings to customize for your needs.

One  such usage is to use DD-WRT to create multiple VLANs and link them together. This was done for a client when they have 3 VLANs from a legacy setup, but needed each VLAN to talk to each other.  I know it does seem counter intuitive since the usage of VLANs is to segregate your network into different segments, but for the case reverse engineering it allows 3 separate networks to talk to each other.

I assume you already have already installed DD-WRT on your router. If not, you can read my guide here on how to do so.

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Samsung SM951 AHCI 512GB M.2 SSD & Silverstone SST-ECM20 on Hackintosh

SSD pricing is slowly dropping to a reasonable price point that i argue everyone should at least have put their OS boot drive as an SSD and use traditional mechanical hard drives for large file and media storage.

For less than US$60, you can easily get a ADATA Premier SP550 240GB SATA-III SSD that has decent read and write speed that would improve performance on ANY desktop or laptop systems running on traditional mechanical hard drive by a magnitude of 2x-4x.  Laptop users would see an even larger jump in performance gains if their existing 2.5″ hard drive is only running at 5,400rpm.

SSDs vs Traditional hard drive speed

SSDs on SATAII and SATA-III vs Traditional hard drive speed. Graph credits to TomsHardware.

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How to create a Fedora Linux USB installer using Mac OSX

  1. Download a Fedora image if your choice from, choose a USB stick that does not contain any data you need, and connect it to your machine. This method should also work for Linux distribution installer images.
  2. Open a Terminal. It is located in Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
  3. Run diskutil list. This will list all disks connected to the system, as /dev/disk1, /dev/disk2 and so on. Identify – very carefully which one corresponds to the USB stick you wish to use. Hereafter, we’ll assume it was /dev/disk4 as per my test rig’s environment – modify the commands as appropriate for your own USB stick.

    diskutil list

    The USB flash drive is mounted as /dev/disk4 with 8.0GB of space

  4. Run diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk4
  5. Type sudo dd if=, then drag and drop the Fedora ISO image file from your Finder to the Terminal window.  This should autocomplete the Fedora ISO location to the command, so you do not need to type out the path yourself.
  6. Now complete the command with of=/dev/disk4 bs=1m,  but don’t hit Enter yet. You should wind up with something like  sudo dd if=/Volumes/Images/Fedora-Server-DVD-x86_64-23.iso of=/dev/disk4 bs=1m
  7. Double-check you have the correct disk number and you’re really, really sure you don’t need any of the data on the USB stick!
  8. Hit Enter and wait. Depending on your USB stick’s speed it can take 15-30mins.
  9. Wait for the operation to complete, then reboot your computer, and hold down the left Alt/Option key to access the boot menu and choose the USB stick – you should see a Fedora logo. Click this to boot.

EKEN H8R vs GoPro Hero 4 Silver – Photo quality test and review

EKEN’s latest action camera – the H8R (R for remote model) is quipped to be a Hero 4 killer at a fraction of the cost. Armed with the Sony IMX078 12.4 Megapixel sensor, 2″ rear live view LCD and front data LCD, it also takes 4K videos at 30fps (vs 15fps on Hero 4 Silver).

Here’s a comparison table:

Eken H8R vs Go Pro Hero 4 Silver

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